ANSWER That’s current: to “recall” is bring a fact or a piece of information back into one’s mind Example: I was in shock, so I...
Servei d'idiomes UManresa
ANSWER That’s current: to “recall” is bring a fact or a piece of information back into one’s mind Example: I was in shock, so I...
ANSWER Correct! All the rooms or areas on the same level of a building are called a “floor” in British English. Example: I live on...
ANSWER When “g” is followed by “n” in the same syllable, it becomes silent. Other examples: campaing align
Si ens preguntessin quina és la llengua internacional per excel·lència, segur que la majoria de nosaltres respondria sense pensar-s’ho ni un segon: l’anglès. El que...
ANSWER That’s right: the plural of Latin-derived words ending in -us make the plural following Latin rules. Other examples: cactus – cacti fungus – fungi
El blog del Servei d’Idiomes ha fet amics a nivell internacional que segueixen les nostres publicacions. Entre ells, tenim el plaer de comptar amb la...
ANSWER The idiom “be all ears” means to be keen to hear what another person has to say Example: Tell me the estory. I’m all...
ANSWER That’s right – both snug and cosy mean “comfortable”. Glum means sad or depressed.
ANSWER In British English, a kennel is a small building for a dog to sleep in. In American English it is called a doghouse. Photo...
ANSWER The top banana is the most important person in an organization or group. Example: Sorry, I don’t know. You’ll have to ask the top...