ANSWER When something is funny or hilarious, you can use the idiomatic expression “It cracks me up” Example: I can’t stop laughing. His jokes always...
Servei d'idiomes UManresa
ANSWER When something is funny or hilarious, you can use the idiomatic expression “It cracks me up” Example: I can’t stop laughing. His jokes always...
ANSWER That’s current: to “recall” is bring a fact or a piece of information back into one’s mind Example: I was in shock, so I...
ANSWER Correct! All the rooms or areas on the same level of a building are called a “floor” in British English. Example: I live on...
ANSWER When “g” is followed by “n” in the same syllable, it becomes silent. Other examples: campaing align
Si ens preguntessin quina és la llengua internacional per excel·lència, segur que la majoria de nosaltres respondria sense pensar-s’ho ni un segon: l’anglès. El que...