ANSWER That’s right! “Once in a blue moon” means very rarely or not very often. Example: My ister lives in Alaska, so I only see...
Servei d'idiomes UManresa
ANSWER That’s right! “Once in a blue moon” means very rarely or not very often. Example: My ister lives in Alaska, so I only see...
Els anglesos tenen fama de ser grans bevedors de cervesa però qualsevol persona que hagi viscut un temps al Regne Unit o a qualsevol...
ANSWER The dodo was a bird that became extinct a long time ago. Something that is as dead as a dodo is unequivocally dead or...
ANSWER The idiom “push/press someone’s buttons” means to do specific things to intentionally anger or upset someone. Example: Dont’ push my buttons or I’ll lose...
ANSWER “Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead”. It means that the only way to keep a secret is to tell...
ANSWER Someone who has a sweet tooth likes candy, chocolate, cakes and other sweets Example: She has a sweet tooth. She can never get enough...
ANSWER That’s right: a jacket potato and a baked potato are the same thing: a potato that is baked with its skin on.
ANSWER The idiom “sit on the fence” means to avoid saying who you support in a discussion or argument Example: You should make your position...
ANSWER The correct answer is It’s nippy. Balmy means warm and scorching means very hot
“If you only read the books that everyone is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” Haruki Murakami, from the book Norwegian...