Language learning: Make it a part of your plan
I need a B1 level because I want to go on an Erasmus exchange. I need a B2 level to earn my degree and I’m graduating...
Servei d'idiomes UManresa
I need a B1 level because I want to go on an Erasmus exchange. I need a B2 level to earn my degree and I’m graduating...
Dear Students, Autumn is always an exciting time of year in education. We are on the verge of starting a new academic at UManresa and with it comes eagerness,...
Ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes (Just gonna have to be a different man) David Bowie Evolution, adaptation, mutation, these are all a natural...
I remember a group of teenage students were complaining about their state school classes. “Why do we need to study art?” “Music class is useless.”...
If you’ve been keeping up on current events in the U.S., then you’ve probably heard the phrase “Black Lives Matter”. Were you aware that this phrase is also...
What words would you associate with the word ‘test’? Some that may come to mind are pass, fail, exam, study, cram or cheat. Tests tend to make students nervous...
I’ve been watching a lot of news online these days to see how the coronavirus is effecting my home country, the U.S.A. Needless to say,...
Els idiomes tenen molts exemples de parelles de paraules que sempre diem en el mateix ordre: blanc i negre, sal i pebre, yin i yang....
10 coses positives de teletreballar
L’altre dia, la meva filla estava repassant la gramàtica alemanya per a la classe de primer d’ESO. Em va saber greu per ella, perquè sé...