ANSWER To let the cat out the bag means to reveal a secret, usually without intending to. Example: I was trying to keep the party...
Servei d'idiomes UManresa
ANSWER To let the cat out the bag means to reveal a secret, usually without intending to. Example: I was trying to keep the party...
El terme “millenial” s’aplica a la generació nascuda entre l’any 1980 i el 2000. Són els joves d’avui, diversos i globals, sempre connectats… i que...
ANSWER To agree in English with a positive statement in Simple Present tense, we use “So do I”. To agree with a negative statement, we...
ANSWER Exciting is the correct answer. This is the rule: Adjectives that end ‘-ing’ describe the thing that causes emotion -for example, a boring lesson...
La llengua anglesa es caracteritza per molts dels seus aspectes funcionals: per la seva flexibilitat, per la facilitat i rapidesa amb la qual incorpora nous...
ANSWER A chef or a cook is someone who cooks food in a restaurant as their job
ANSWER An aisle is a passage between rows of seats, for example in a church, theatre or plane, or between the shelves of a supermarket....