Welcome students: old and new
Dear Students, Autumn is always an exciting time of year in education. We are on the verge of starting a new academic at UManresa and with it comes eagerness,...
Servei d'idiomes UManresa
Dear Students, Autumn is always an exciting time of year in education. We are on the verge of starting a new academic at UManresa and with it comes eagerness,...
I remember a group of teenage students were complaining about their state school classes. “Why do we need to study art?” “Music class is useless.”...
Si és el teu cas, segurament t’agradarà saber que no estàs sol, que aquest estat d’angoixa és més comú del que t’imagines. Se sol atribuir,...
Són uns genis els políglotes? Com s’ho fan per aprendre llengües amb tanta facilitat? Alguns aprenen llegint Harry Potter en l’idioma que volen dominar, d’altres...