Language learning: Make it a part of your plan
I need a B1 level because I want to go on an Erasmus exchange. I need a B2 level to earn my degree and I’m graduating...
Servei d'idiomes UManresa
I need a B1 level because I want to go on an Erasmus exchange. I need a B2 level to earn my degree and I’m graduating...
Dear Students, Autumn is always an exciting time of year in education. We are on the verge of starting a new academic at UManresa and with it comes eagerness,...
Ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange) Ch-ch-changes (Just gonna have to be a different man) David Bowie Evolution, adaptation, mutation, these are all a natural...
Si és el teu cas, segurament t’agradarà saber que no estàs sol, que aquest estat d’angoixa és més comú del que t’imagines. Se sol atribuir,...
Comença l’any i alguns de vosaltres potser us heu plantejat com a repte aprendre una llengua estrangera. Enhorabona per aquesta encertada decisió! Aprendre idiomes...