ANSWER That’s right: a jacket potato and a baked potato are the same thing: a potato that is baked with its skin on.
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ANSWER That’s right: a jacket potato and a baked potato are the same thing: a potato that is baked with its skin on.
ANSWER The idiom “sit on the fence” means to avoid saying who you support in a discussion or argument Example: You should make your position...
ANSWER The correct answer is It’s nippy. Balmy means warm and scorching means very hot
ANSWER When a person is on cloud nine or over the moon, they feel extremely happy. However, if someone sees red, it means they are...
ANSWER A knees-up is an informal, noisy party where people dance, sing, drink and have fun.
ANSWER That’s right! A white lie is a lie about something harmless in order to be polite or to avoid hurting someone’s feelings
ANSWER The idiomatic expression call it a day means to stop working for the day or, in a wider sense, to decide to stop doing...
ANSWER They all live in burrows: holes or tunnels dug underground to live in.
ANSWER If somebody is caught red-handed, they are caught in the act of doing something dishonest or morally wrong. Example: I used to cheat in...
ANSWER We say Get cracking! when we want someone to hurry up and do something faster. Example: Come on! Let’s get cracking or we’ll miss...